Friday, April 16, 2010

eyelash extensions

I am now a certified through NovaLash eyelash extensions! If you are interested in getting eyelash extensions, please call me, text me, email me, or just leave a comment!

My prices to start out with are listed below :)

Full Set: $65
2 week fill: $15
3 week fill: $25
4 week fill: $35
5 week fill: $45

Monday, April 5, 2010

opening day

today is the MLB's opening day! yay! Ryan and I watched the first game of the season last night, the Red Sox vs Yankees, and I'm happy to say that the Red Sox won :)

In honor of opening day I had to post a photo of my best friends (Allie and Emily) and I at a Padres and Cardinals game. We drove to San Diego for our senior trip to watch our beloved Cards play. I grew up watching baseball alongside these two, and we have so many fun baseball memories together. I will never be able to watch a baseball game without thinking of all the fun fond memories I share with them!