Tuesday, January 27, 2009


For a LONG time now, Ryan and I have been debating whether we are able to afford sending me back to school. I decided against USU after my first year there and I've never looked back (i hated it). I've thought about dental assisting, photography, and cosmetology and gone back and forth on my top choices out of those three for a about a year now, but it always comes down to cosmetology. I've wanted to do that for years now, and I'm excited to tell you all that I start at New Horizons Beauty College on June 9! YAY! that day can't come soon enough!!!!


  1. That is so awesome Ann! You've always been great at that stuff. I'm way excited for you!

  2. Congrats anna! Just remember when your in those long hours of school not getting paid how worth it it will be when your finished! I keep kicking myself in the butt for not finishing sooner! So just hang in there and you'll get done fast and make lots of money! It's so worth it!

  3. AWESOME! congrats girl! that is always such a great feeling to know what you want to do. you'll be amazing at it!

  4. How fun. That will be a job you can do even after you have kids. You can cut hair from your house. Your hair is always so cute too.

  5. anna i am really happy that you guys decided to do it! good luck

  6. How exciting Anna! You'll do such a great job, and love it! Go fight win! It is such a great feeling to be doing something you love...and getting paid to do it!

  7. Anna! Yay! I am so excited for you I know you will be great.

  8. that's awesome!! You're so darling, everyone will want you to do their hair!

  9. That is so cool! I will need someone to do my hair now that we will be in Logan! I'll come to you for sure.

  10. Congrats on the big news! I found your blog through Danielle's I hope that's ok. We all need to get together again soon sometime!
