Monday, December 10, 2012

Easton....the toddling toddler of toddleland.

I have a kid, not a baby.

I can't believe how fast he has gotten to this point. Honestly! Everyone told me how fast he would grow out of his baby stage quickly, but you really don't even realize how true it is until you notice yourself chasing after a 'mini-me'... Wiping a snotty nose, trying to do their hair by corralling them into a corner, attempting to change a dirty diaper without them wriggling away and getting everything poopy, hearing yourself make an airplane noise to get them to "please please please EAT YOUR FOOD!" All of these things are so much fun, but they also really make me want to go back in time and enjoy the ease of the bottle phase, and the falling asleep on your shoulder stage, just a little more!

Easton is SUCH an active kid! He is very strong for his age, and pretty smart, and he knows how to push your buttons, and he's got the most killer pouty face when he gets in trouble....hard to resist, but someone's gotta do it!
I haven't updated on him lately  and I thought I would write down a few of the things I've been keeping track of about our crazy lovey boy:

September 2012, 14 months

  • Waves 'HI' and 'BYE'
  • Shakes head for 'no' (doesn't know how to use it to communicate though)
  • Points and says 'ISS' for 'this', meaning that what he is pointing to is what he wants.
  • Knows where his hair is.
  • When you ask him if he is "all done?" he will grab his chest/belly to agree.
  • Gives high fives
  • plays basketball left-handed
  • puts things into buckets or baskets
  • Know that 'juice' and 'milk' means his sippy cup
  • If you ask, "Where is Toby?" he will go find him
  • Gives mouthed!
  • Has 8 teeth (top and bottom center 4)
October 2012, 15 months
  • Knows "sit down" or "sit on your bum"
  • Loves to feed animals, the ducks and Tillis the dog.
  • Sometimes will cover his mouth to cough.
  • Getting 4 more teeth (a gap away from the previous set)
  • Knows where his ears are.
  • "tss" means Toss.
  • Nods head for 'yes' (doesn't know how to use it to communicate yet)
  • "quick feet Easton, quick feet quick feet quick feet!" He will stomp really fast in place with a huge smile!
  • Walks down the stairs while holding a hand or the wall/railing. One foot at a time.
  • Claps (finally!)
  • Loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 
November 2012, 16 months
  • Switched to one nap a day, around 12-1 ish, whenever he is done with lunch.
  • No more bottles at night. Drinks a sippy cup of milk while he plays after dinner.
  • Throws the basketball into his hoop instead of just placing on the edge to push in.
  • Wears a size 7 shoe!
  • Finally will eat chicken nuggets. This is the only meat he will eat.
December 2012, 17 months
  • Eats with a fork, passes it between his left and right hand.
  • He is pretty good with his 'shape sorter' toy and can figure out where all the shapes fit.
  • Loves to read! His favorite book is a 12x12 book called 100 first words. It has a bunch of pictures and what they are on each page. He knows where the ball, duck, juice, and banana are...still working on the other 96 words!
  • I took Easton the the library for Todder Time for the first time last week. He was glued to my lap and kept putting my hand down when I tried to do the hand actions, like "do. not. participate." I took his again the next day...complete opposite, he was crawling over everything, wouldn't stay put, screaming, throwing tantrums...needless to say, we left early.
  • Pretty sure he is teething, AGAIN! 
  • Still sleeps 12 hours at night 8 p.m.-8 a.m., and one 4-hour nap in the afternoons.
  • Refuses to try any meats besides chicken nuggets still. 


    1. I love your first paragraph about doing his hair and making airplane noises to try to get him to eat!! That whole thing is me and Maelee too!! Made me laugh and glad to think I'm not the only one! He's a cutie!

    2. I seriously loooove him!!!! maybe a little more than you ;)
