Tuesday, May 19, 2009

family photos

This past weekend we went to Ogden to have our family pictures taken. We hadn't had them done in such a long time! So we needed to get one with Ryan and Savannah and Jordan in it. My mom's friend Marjean took them for us (she also did our wedding) and she did a great job! Here are a couple of my favorites!


  1. cute! where did you take the pics? so pretty!

  2. Love the fsmily pictures! Especially those cute dark ones:)

  3. Cute! Glad it worked out and you were able to take them! Ha I think Alex has that same shirt that Ryan is wearing. We might be doing my family pictures on Monday and Ciara is taking them! Hopefully it works out. I like the colors your family is wearing, very cute and totally you! Miss you!

  4. love your blog! i have been wanting to pot flowers on my front porch too - i love the gerber daisy idea! those would be so fun to have throughout the summer!

  5. Beautiful pics!! Your family is so big! Looks like a lot of fun!
