Tuesday, January 10, 2012

6 months, half way!!!

I can't believe that 6 MONTHS has gone by! I feel like I'm the parent of a toddler already! He hasn't stopped growing for a second physically or in his personality! He is so much fun to watch every day, and he changes so quick, you don't want to miss a second!

  • 21.4 pounds (96th percentile)
  • 28 inches tall (74th percentile) he grew two inches in one month!
  • he LOVES to blow raspberries
  • likes to put all eight of his little fingers in his mouth at once
  • loves loves loves his baby food and eating
  • he got a new booster chair for Christmas and he looks so grown up in it
  • he got his first ear infection in December, which wasn't nearly as bad as the effects from the antibiotic (diaper rash from H.E double hockey sticks!)
  • started sitting up on his own, when he gets tired he leans forward on his belly to prop him up
  • rolls around like crazy
  • he loves grabbing your face. He is infatuated with noses and eyebrows
  • his 9 month clothes are getting tight
  • as of today his schedule is as follows:
7:30-8:00- 8 oz formula
8:30- two scoops rice with a tub of fruit
9:30-11:30- nap
12:00- 6 oz. formula, 1.5 scoops rice and 1/2 tub veggies
2:00-3:30- nap
4:00- 6 oz. formula
5:30- 2 scoops rice with a tub of veggies
7:00- bathtime, then 8 oz. formula and then bed time
  • He is head over heels in love with Ryan. He can't get enough of his Poppy
  • Likes to watch Baby Einstein
  • Still never cries when he wakes up. We just have to keep checking on him and guess when he will wake up. He is very patient.
  • He has been on 6 plane rides! and 5 of them, he was an angel! (we won't talk about the other time :)
He is such an amazing baby, our other kids have a LOT to live up to!

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