Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the most wonderful time of the year!

i love love love Christmas! Every single little thing about it..the smells, the decorations, the spirit, the happiness, the family it brings together, the lights, the trees, the food, the sparkles, the whole reason for it in the first place! I even love the shopping believe it or not! I thrive off of this time of year! AND not only does it bring Christmas...and New Years, my birthday is right in between the two! So, December is my favorite month (as you could have guessed) and waiting until Dec 2 was too long for me to wait to put up the tree! I got all the other decorations up on Saturday, but we didn't have a tree until today! We actually got hooked up with an amazing offer! Our friends the Davis' have friends who ended up with two real trees this year, and then needed to get rid of one for lack of space, well the Davis' knew we, (and when I say "we" I mean "I"), have been wanting a real tree, so they offered it to us! We went and picked it up, trimmed the edges, spent awhile moving around the furniture to make it fit, and finally, WAH LAH!

I love it! It's the first real tree I've ever had and I coudn't be happier with it! It means that the holidays are officially here, and I better not let time go too quickly, cause then I'll have another 364 to wait!
Also, here is a picture of the garland going up the railing, I think it's real cute so i had to share it too!


  1. I love Christmas! And I love the cute shape of your tree!

  2. very cute! mines up too :) geez girl we are getting old! you 21, me 22 yipes!!

  3. Super cute. I am jealous. I am not getting our tree until Saturday. We just have been so busy that we haven't had time to go get it. BUT come saturday and we will have our tree. Yours looks great and so does your garland.

  4. Hey girl! Cute Christmas tree, you are sooo crafty! We had to set our blog to private, so send me your email so I can add you to the viewing list....nmark007@gmail.com
