Friday, September 16, 2011

fitness on a budget

I've finally snapped out of my "I just had a baby" excuse, and I've started exercising again. It feels so good! It's so much easier to exercise when there isn't a baby sharing your body! Anyway, since I don't have enough money to afford a gym membership, or crazy workout DVD programs and equipment, I've made up my own. On top of going for walks and trying to run with Easton in the stroller, I've found a couple workout shows that are on each morning in our Direct TV package.

The first is my favorite, it's Gilad Body's in Motion, and Total Body Sculpt. Here are the program times, but I have just been recording them onto my DVR so I can do it later in the morning, but they are 30 minutes each.

The next one is the Total Body Workout on BYU TV. Here is it's schedule. It's a series of Yoga and Aerobic programs, this one is a little cheesier than Gilad (but what exercise show isn't cheesy??) But it actually is a good yoga program. They are 1 hour each, and again, I just DVR it so I can workout later in the morning.

And lastly...the funniest/cheapest part of it all: when they tell you to pick up your weights, I pick up boxes of butter (pre-weighed!). And in yoga when you need a strap for different positions, I get a belt. Yes, yes. I'm THAT person. It works great though! I am going to have to find something around the house that weighs more than my 1 pound boxes of butter soon though :)


  1. LOVE it! Gallons of milk and soup cans work too =) And if you want to mix things up, look at your library. The Logan library has tons of workout dvds (including Insanity!). Yay for free exercise!

  2. I am with Kayce! Gallons of milk work great, and the Library is amazing for having different things to try..That way you don't get too annoyed with the repetitious cheesy-ness. Good luck!
