Monday, April 13, 2009

USU vs U of M

so, like I promised...the baseball post! we made the long trek up to Missoula on Friday night, and the boys played two games on Saturday night, and one game Sunday morning. We had such a great time, Danielle and I slept in, took our time getting ready, chatting, we found a mall and browsed around there for awhile, and had fun at the games cuddling together to keep each other warm! Haha! The two of us almost got into a fight with some unruly drunken Montana fans, but that story is for another time :) Anyway, the boys ended up winning two of the three games this weekend, and came out of everything feeling reassured and happy with a couple wins under their belt. Here are some of my favorite shots from the trip (I took about a million, so be glad that you got the 'sweetened condensed' version)

also, check out the baseball teams website for updates of scores, more pictures, and upcoming game info, I have a link to it on the right side of my blog, just click on the pic of Ryan! Thanks to Norm for keeping it up to date, and oh so nice! :)


  1. Looks like you had fun! I would have come but i had already made plans for the weekend! But i'm glad they won some!!

  2. this is random but I just realized that my blog post title makes it sound like I'm gonna have a baby!
