Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 30....a little late :)

Your Hopes, Dreams and Plans for the next 365 Days

  • May 2011: buy our first home together in Henderson
  • June 2011: watch our family and friends marry and start their lives together, and move to Henderson
  • July 2011: Our first baby will be born strong and healthy, Ryan starts PT school
  • August 2011: Learn the ways of being a mom, that is my one and only goal this month! Celebrate our 4 year anniversary!
  • September 2011: Travel to see family during school breaks, and bless our baby
  • October 2011: Watch the Giants win the World Series and become back to back champions!
  • November 2011: celebrate Thanksgiving, maybe start looking for a job as a hairstylist again.
  • December 2011: celebrate Christmas with family and turn 24!
  • January 2012: enjoy the warm months of winter in Nevada!
  • February 2012: celebrate Valentine's Day with the two men in my life (the husband and the babe!)
  • March 2012: Maybe travel to watch the Giants play in pre-season games!
  • April 2012: Celebrate Easter!

Well, these are my hopes, dreams and plans for the next year. Hopefully they will all come to pass, I'm so excited to see what our future holds. It's so exciting to think of how much our lives are about to change this summer! I can't wait to get started!!!


  1. I LOVED reading your testimony. It's so sweet, thank you for sharing. I also thought what you said about Ryan was so cute! You two are such a great couple, and I am so glad you are so in love! Oh and I am SO glad you found a good doctor, what a relief!

    I can't wait for us all to have babies and get together! Very exciting time. Love you!

  2. My sister is moving to Henderson this summer!
