Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I am so lucky to have two amazing women in life to look up to as I start my long and exciting road of Motherhood. They are so great, and always have the best advice for me, and are always willing to lend a listening ear. I love them both so much, and I hope that I will be the kind of mom to my kids and future in laws, as they have been to Ryan and I. 
Easton is the best little thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so lucky to be his momma, and be able to stay home with him all day and raise him at home. He is so full of personality, and always keeps me on my toes by pushing boundaries, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm so excited for this next little babe to join our family and see their relationship form a bond between them as siblings, and be able to be there and watch it all happen as Ryan and I raise them!

my moms.

try #1....
try #2...that's about as good as it gets with a toddler I guess.

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