Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pregnancy Update

Alright. Updates on the pregnancy. Today marks 24 weeks! only 4 more months to go! Crazy how fast it's all gone by! I have felt more and more pregnant lately. But still feeling awesome compared to stories I've heard from other girls. I still have yet to get any stretch marks, which is shocking since I feel like I've grown to the point of no return! I don't know how I'm going to get bigger, it seems impossible!

The babe is about a foot long at this point, and weighing in at almost 1.5 pounds. I can finally start blaming weight gain on the actual baby. Haha!

Overall, it's been an extremely easy pregnancy, and I can't wait until he is finally here!


  1. Oh goodness, just wait until the last month. I didn't get stretch marks until week 39. Talk about a bummer. When parts of your skin look really shinny, you know they're comin'.

    You look GREAT!

  2. YAY! You're totally adorable! I love that belly! Enjoy it... after too long it won't be baby anymore... haha.

  3. You look fabulous! I put lotion on every night before bed and even with my pregnancy with twins I only have 2 Tiny stretch marks around my belly button and those have faded for the most part. Good Luck
